Recheck Appointments
- You will need to schedule the recheck appointment or we may schedule it automatically – this will be indicated in your discharge instructions.
- We will give you a reminder call for the appointment.
- We will indicate if your pet needs to be dropped off or if this will be a short visit, with the full evaluation being performed while you are waiting.
- Check what medications you have or need prior to coming for the appointment.
- Your pet can eat the morning of this appointment, unless we specify otherwise.
- If your pet requires an abdominal ultrasound or an anesthetic procedure, we will ask you not to feed your pet after 10pm the night before. Water is always allowed.
- If your pet is diabetic, he/she should not be fasted – please inform our staff.
- The following protocol was implemented due to COVID-related safety restrictions and may change unexpectedly. If you have been diagnosed with COVID in last 14 days, please reschedule your appointment.
- Please remain in the car when you arrive and call us at 425-242-7005 to check-in
- The receptionist will ask you standard questions regarding your pet's health since the last visit. Please let us know if there was any vomiting, diarrhea, decrease in appetite or activity or other sickness. Also, let us know if you need medication refills.
- Please proceed to the check-in sign on the rail immediately. An oncology nurse will meet you there to take your pet in. We are not allowing pet owners in the building at this point (except at the initial appointment).
- We will call you once your pet's visit is completed.
- Payment by credit card will be processed over the phone. You can also choose to pay with cash or check. Then proceed to the check-in sign on the rail immediately. One of our nurses will bring your pet there. Please do not wait in the car.
- If your pet needs to spend part of the day with us, your pet will be provided comfortable bedding, water and a litterbox for kitties. All dogs are walked multiple times. We also make time for some play and pet time with each of our patients. We typically do not feed them through the day, since each patient may be on a different diet. You are welcome to bring in a small snack for your pet.
- All pets must be picked up by 6:00pm, unless special arrangements were made prior