Our appointment coordinator is available to set up new appointments Mondays through Wednesdays between 7am and 6pm
If you would like to refer a case
• please fax or email all the pertinent history and recent tests
• please have the client call us to set up the appointment
Once the case is seen, you will receive a written report within 48 hours, as well as copies of any diagnostics performed, as the results become available. You will also receive follow-up reports if the patient is seen for follow-up treatments, such as chemotherapy
Follow-up visits
If a patient is receiving chemotherapy through our clinic, occasional follow-up bloodwork may be performed at your office. The last set of discharge instructions indicate the type of evaluation and bloodwork to be performed. The Follow-up Bloodwork Form was designed to help keep track of these visits. Please print it, fill it out and fax it to us together with the bloodwork results. Please communicate the results with the owner.
If you have any questions please call us during business hours or e-mail me (outside business hours, if urgent).